Walk and Talk Therapy?

Sometimes it is good to get outside, walk and process as we talk.  Adding movement to traditional therapy, advocates say, is a catalyst for getting clients to talk more openly about their emotions. They also point out that walking releases endorphins, which can elevate moods, and that for some clients, a lake or a sidewalk is less intimidating than an office setting.

Walk & Talk sessions are conducted exactly the same way with respect to processing challenges and concerns, discussing relationship worries, working through recovery, healing, and addressing goals – the only difference is our session is conducted outdoors while walking. I conduct my Walk & Talk Sessions from a walking path around a local lake in a relaxing tree filled neighborhood where privacy is respected.

Clients have shared with me that sometimes it is hard to sit in an office across from a therapist.  They state it is less intimidating and relaxing to walk beside someone and talk about what is on their heart and mind. 

“I enjoy the beautiful atmosphere of the lake, ducks playing and a cool breeze in my face.  Being able to relax and walk had freed me up to just talk without being confined to a couch.  I feel more productive walking and talking.”

Q: How is this different from traditional therapy in your office?

The only difference is that we conduct the session outdoors while walking together. Outside of that, and wearing a pair of tennis shoes, nothing else changes. Many clients share that the act of moving as we walk side by side helps to process areas of their life that may feel “stuck.”

Q: What about bad weather?

It is always the client’s choice to make the ‘weather call.’ The office is always an option and I respect your choice in this. If you prefer to walk outside, then I am not concerned about a few raindrops or sun rays.

Q: Is this a workout?

No. The client sets the pace. The focus is on your processing, and not on exercise – although getting the blood moving helps connect the brain, and clients share that burning a few calories is an added benefit that they enjoy! There is nothing physically strenuous about the session. The walk around the lake is flat, few stairs and a very relaxing beautiful environment.  If you prefer a slow pace, that is fine. If you prefer a faster pace, no problem – you set the speed! Will you feel better after a walk therapy session? You bet you will. If you get tired, there are benches to sit down on and rest for as long as you like.

What Elementary Age Boys Need Most from Their Parents

Here’s a great answer to the question “What are some things you suggest we do BEFORE they are teens?” by Monica Swanson

“In my recent post “What a Teenage boy needs most from his Mom,” I confessed that the teen years are my favorite.   I love my teen boys, and the glimpses of manhood mixed with occasional remnants of boyhood that I see in them.  The teens years are what I call my reward for all of the hard work that came in the younger years.

So, what about those younger years?  Many people have commented and emailed asking  “What are some things you suggest we do BEFORE they are teens?”

A good question indeed. READ MORE

Simplify Your Life

I’ve always admired Pastor Bill Hybels of Willow Creek Community Church. Here’s an interview with him about his recent book on such a needed subject: Simply Your Life.  I see this a lot in my counseling…people over complicating their lives, adding clutter (relational and real) that they don’t need and don’t have to say yes to. Here Hybels specifically talks about  “decluttering your soul. This isn’t about cleaning your basement or buying a new Day-Timer. This is saying, you can have a messy desk and an uncluttered soul and you’re in a better shape than the other way around. Some people walk around with enormous anxiety or their pulse racing and if you say, ‘Are you doing all right at work?’  they’re great. Yet they’re carrying around an unrepaired relationship. Until they get that fixed, they can’t unclutter their lives because relational rifts clutter up our lives and souls.


Alcoholics Anonymous : What Is A.A.?

Alcoholics Anonymous : What Is A.A.?.

Alcoholics Anonymous is an international fellowship of men and women who have had a drinking problem. It is nonprofessional, self-supporting, multiracial, apolitical, and available almost everywhere. There are no age or education requirements. Membership is open to anyone who wants to do something about his or her drinking problem. Find out more:  http://www.aa.org/pages/en_US/what-is-aa

Teenagers and Anxiety

Does any of this sound like your child or teen?

  • clinging, crying, and/or tantrums when you separate
  • excessive shyness, avoiding social situations
  • constant worry
  • avoiding situations or places because of fears
  • complaints of frequent stomachaches or headaches
  • experiencing sudden and frequent panic attacks

If so, your child may be experiencing anxiety. This website can help.
Here, you will find practical strategies and tools to help you manage your child’s anxiety, whether your child is just beginning to show symptoms, or has been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. To begin, continue reading, to find out more about anxiety — how it looks, how it works, and how to recognize if it is problematic. If your child has been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, you may prefer to click immediately on this disorder on the menu. READ MORE


Stress and Burnout in Ministry


by Rowland Croucher

It was a grey Canadian morning in April 1982. The children had gone to school, my wife to work, and I did something I’d never done before. I turned the phone down, put a note on the front door, and went back to bed. I was burned out – and within two months resigned my ministry there. read more