Simplify Your Life

I’ve always admired Pastor Bill Hybels of Willow Creek Community Church. Here’s an interview with him about his recent book on such a needed subject: Simply Your Life.  I see this a lot in my counseling…people over complicating their lives, adding clutter (relational and real) that they don’t need and don’t have to say yes to. Here Hybels specifically talks about  “decluttering your soul. This isn’t about cleaning your basement or buying a new Day-Timer. This is saying, you can have a messy desk and an uncluttered soul and you’re in a better shape than the other way around. Some people walk around with enormous anxiety or their pulse racing and if you say, ‘Are you doing all right at work?’  they’re great. Yet they’re carrying around an unrepaired relationship. Until they get that fixed, they can’t unclutter their lives because relational rifts clutter up our lives and souls.

Stress and Burnout in Ministry


by Rowland Croucher

It was a grey Canadian morning in April 1982. The children had gone to school, my wife to work, and I did something I’d never done before. I turned the phone down, put a note on the front door, and went back to bed. I was burned out – and within two months resigned my ministry there. read more